Men and women confess reasons for separation: “Too many exclamation marks!”

“Too many exclamation marks!”: Men and women confess their most absurd reasons for separation

There can be many reasons for a breakup

© Ridofranz / Getty Images

Of course, nobody has to justify a breakup. However, some people have some very interesting reasons.

This text first appeared at this point at

The chemistry is just not right anymore, different ideas about life and relationships, constant arguments or feelings for someone else – there are sooo many nasty icebergs in love and reasons why partnerships fall apart. It almost seems like a miracle that so many couples stay together for years.

At “Whisper” a lot of people shared their … well … most interesting reasons for separation. But whatever? Separation ground is separation ground, no matter how mundane, superficial or easy to get rid of from an independent perspective. Fortunately, we generally don’t have to justify and justify breakups in front of anyone – except maybe in front of our future ex …

10 men and women share their most absurd reasons for separation

1. Poor oral hygiene

“He had set up an alarm on his cell phone to remind him to brush his teeth – but he rarely did it. So gross!”

2. Good brother

“Before making any decision, he first had to consult his twin sister. And he was always on her side. That was super annoying and unattractive.”

3. In love with a car

“I shot someone down because they were just too obsessed with their car. When something was broken, he moaned, and he kept buying expensive gadgets for the car. But to do something nice with me, for that then he had no money. “

4. Emojis

“I broke up once because she kept sending smiley emojis when we were texting – I hated it!”

5. No own words

“At first I thought it was so cute that he could always quote something suitable from his favorite films. But over time it just got annoying! Every time and every serious moment when he didn’t know what to say, he came with a quote around the corner. “

6. The magic three words

“My ex told me after three weeks of relationship that he loved me … we just couldn’t become anything.”

7. Bad writer

“Call me picky, but he was just such a bad writer. There was zero emotion on his messages and it often took him hours or even days to respond. I’m not ashamed of breaking up with him because of this – communication is.” everything.”

8. Too sweaty

“I just couldn’t deal with how much he sweated. We could hardly make out or be intimate without getting his sweat off. It turned me off a lot.”

9. Misused words

“He refused to look up words because he didn’t want to appear stupid – but he often used them incorrectly. Sometimes I would correct him, whereupon he said, I’ll take it down. I just couldn’t deal with that.”

10. Too many exclamation marks

“He put an exclamation mark after every sentence. Who does that?”


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