Memmingen: Well-known cat Chicco now has his own monument

Bronze sculpture
Well-known Memmingen cat Chicco now has his own monument

Chicco’s sculpture on the Stadtbach in Memmingen is intended to commemorate him.

© Stefan Puchner/dpa

The cat “Chicco” was on the streets of Memmingen for years and had a large fan base. After the animal’s death, the city dedicated a sculpture to him.

Chicco, a well-known tomcat Memmingen, now has its own monument. The cat died suddenly at the beginning of 2023. In memory of the Bavarian tomcat, a bronze sculpture for the four-legged friend was erected on Monday.

Deceased cat was “very popular in downtown Memmingen”

According to the city, the cat had been roaming the streets and alleys of Memmingen for years and had a large fan base. “He had a preference for cozy corners, sometimes in cafés or shops, and was recognized by many people as a city cat on his walks,” explained city press spokeswoman Alexandra Wehr. “Tomcat Chicco was very popular in downtown Memmingen.”

In January, Chicco was found dead in the city stream at the age of five. After the animal’s death, donations were collected for a memorial. The artist Cornelia Brader from Memmingen then designed the bronze sculpture for Chicco.

Many people had earlier taken photos of the celebrity cat and posted them on a Facebook page. The group on Facebook is still active and has more than 2,000 members. “I’m very happy that our Chicco is getting a worthy place because I can see him every day on my way to work,” wrote a woman about the monument there a few weeks ago.

In September it was announced that a well-known cat had died in Augsburg. Leon the cat was the university’s animal mascot and was called “CampusCat” because he always roamed the university grounds. He died at the age of 16. The Augsburg cat still has almost 29,000 followers on Facebook.

See the gallery: Cats can look after themselves and don’t need people – these are just two of the many misconceptions about the popular animals. And did you know that there are lots of street cats in Germany?


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