Megan Fox takes her bath with Machine Gun Kelly… Bella Hadid dresses herself…

January 18, 2022

Cardi B wants a face tattoo

Is this a new fad or will it go all the way? Still, Cardi B plans to get her son’s name tattooed on her face. That’s what she said on
Twitter, while the world (at least his fans) waits to finally know the name of his second child born last September.

Concerned, the twittos reminded her that, just six months ago, she was ” grateful every day for giving up getting a face tattoo at age 16…

Megan Fox takes a bath with Machine Gun Kelly

Bella Hadid has been dressing herself for two years

With the pandemic, the opportunities to go out are rare and therefore the need to have a stylist too. Result, “for about two years”, Bella Hadid relies on herself to choose her outfits. “I felt so weird mentally that it became difficult to dress properly to leave my house, especially with the anxiety of (paparazzi) being outside and all that kind of thing. Over the past 12 months, it was really important to me to know if my look was talked about, if it was liked or not, because it’s my own style, “the model told the Wall Street Journal Magazine.

And to be sure not to be mistaken, she seems to opt for the Marie Kondo method. “I wonder if this outfit makes me happy, if I feel good in it and comfortable,” she explained.

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