Meg Ryan: Comeback attempt with new romantic comedy

meg ryan
Comeback attempt with new romantic comedy

Meg Ryan gets back to work.

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Meg Ryan is attempting a comeback in romantic comedy, opposite David Duchovny and directing herself.

With “Harry and Sally”, “Sleepless in Seattle” or “E-Mail for You” Meg Ryan (60) was the queen of romantic comedy in the nineties. Now she’s trying to make a comeback.

As Variety reports, What Happens Later is an “evolved and nostalgic” take on a romantic comedy. Meg Ryan is said to be directing and playing the female lead alongside David Duchovny (61).

An ex-couple, an airport, lots of snow

It’s about a former couple who meet at a snowy airport for the first time since their split. Ryan plays Willa, an independent, free-spirited woman with no commitments, while Duchovny plays Bill, who has recently split and is reconsidering his relationship with his wife and daughter. Together they reflect on their lives and their relationship and what could have been.

The film’s synopsis reads, “What if, on a snowy night, you came face to face with someone? Someone who once knew your secrets because once, long ago, they had your heart?”

Ryan’s second time directing

It’s not the first time Meg Ryan has directed. In 2015 she made her directorial debut with the novel adaptation “Ithaca”. It was also the last film with the popular actress. The new film is based on the Steven Dietz play Shooting Star, and Ryan co-wrote the screenplay.

Production will begin in Arkansas later this year, and the film is set to hit theaters in 2023.


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