Meeting with EU officials: Taliban want aid to Afghan airports

Status: 11/29/2021 1:14 p.m.

In talks with EU officials in Doha, the Taliban reaffirmed their promise to allow Afghans and foreigners to leave Afghanistan. In return, they asked for help in keeping the airport open.

According to the EU, the Taliban have asked the European Union for help to keep Afghan airports open. At the same time, at the meeting in Doha, the Afghan delegation affirmed that it would guarantee that Afghans and foreigners willing to leave the country would be able to leave the country, the EU announced. At the two-day meeting over the weekend in the Gulf state of Qatar, senior EU officials met with representatives of the Taliban leadership in Afghanistan.

“No diplomatic recognition”

The EU made it clear that the meeting did not mean diplomatic recognition of the “Afghan interim government declared by the Taliban. The dialogue should, however, be continued in the interests of Europe and the Afghan people. Both sides agreed on the goal of an internally and externally peaceful Afghanistan.

But the EU also insisted on democracy and an inclusive government. According to the EU, the Afghan delegation committed itself to human rights, including minority rights and freedom of the press, “in accordance with Islamic principles”.

Concerned about poor humanitarian situation

According to the statement, both the new rulers in Afghanistan and the EU representatives expressed themselves “very concerned about the worsening humanitarian situation in Afghanistan with the approaching winter”.

Development aid remains suspended for the time being. However, the EU is continuing its humanitarian aid in the country and is considering so-called “humanitarian aid plus”, which would include educational offers, for example. It would not be handled through the Taliban, but through international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

According to the EU, the Afghans, in turn, pledged not to allow their country to become a base for terrorists. At the same time, they wanted to protect foreign diplomats. The EU wants to make a minimum presence in Kabul dependent on the security situation.

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