Meeting in Madrid: Scholz and Sánchez appeal to Russia

Status: 01/17/2022 06:16 p.m

In Madrid, Chancellor Scholz and Prime Minister Sánchez called on Russia to de-escalate the Ukraine conflict. At their meeting, both put political similarities in the foreground – but there are also differences.

By Reinhard Spiegelhauer, ARD Studio Madrid

After their meeting, Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez emphasized above all political similarities. Both the Federal Chancellor and the Spanish Prime Minister emphasized three areas: the ecological transformation of energy policy in Europe, the strengthening of the community of values ​​and a strong joint presence in foreign and security policy.

Both heads of government expressed concern about developments in the Ukraine conflict and called on Russia to de-escalate the border.

Sustainability for the future of Europe

Prime Minister Sánchez committed himself to sustainable restructuring with the aim of further promoting renewable energies. This is necessary to ensure Europe’s independence in the future. He thanked Chancellor Scholz, who played a central role in the negotiations on the EU recovery fund – Spain is to receive around 140 billion euros for sustainable investments.

Natalia Bachmayer, ARD Madrid, on Chancellor Scholz’s inaugural visit to Spain

Tagesschau 5:00 p.m., 17.1.2022

Revision of the EU Stability Pact controversial

Despite all similarities, different attitudes were also recognizable. Spain wants the EU Stability Pact to be revised, although Sánchez distanced himself from the idea of ​​pursuing a bloc policy in Brussels together with France.

Scholz, on the other hand, said that from his point of view, the stability pact made it possible to make the EU recovery fund available.

At today’s meeting, many topics could only be briefly touched upon, said the two heads of government. However, one wants to resume bilateral government meetings as soon as possible – they had recently been suspended due to the corona pandemic.

Chancellor Scholz on his inaugural visit to Spain

Reinhard Spiegelhauer, ARD Madrid, 17.1.2022 5:58 p.m

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