Meeting in Lausanne: IOC recommends readmission of Russian athletes

As of: 03/28/2023 6:06 p.m

The IOC opens the door for Russian and Belarusian athletes to return to world sport – and is met with harsh criticism. However, the decision about the 2024 games in Paris remains open.

The IOC executive decided on Tuesday (March 28th, 2023) to allow the world federations to allow previously banned athletes to participate under certain conditions. This is a recommendation to the individual sports associations. 13 months ago, immediately after the start of the war of aggression against Ukraine, most professional associations followed an IOC recommendation to exclude the athletes.

Military personnel remain excluded

IOC requirements include strict neutrality, compliance with the anti-doping code and proof of not actively supporting the war. Athletes from Russia and Belarus who belong to the military are excluded, as are teams from the two nations.

In the run-up to the conference, UN adviser Alexandra Xanthaki, called in by the IOC, spoke out in favor of allowing members of the Russian military to compete, unless they could be directly proven to have violated human rights during the war.

No decision yet on the 2024 and 2026 Olympics

A decision regarding participation in the 2024 Olympic Games and the Winter Games in Milan and Cortina d’Ampezzo 2026 in Paris will be made “in due course”.

“We cannot offer a solution that pleases everyone,” said President Thomas Bach at the beginning of the Exko session. The IOC had been criticized for the plans by governments and athletes, especially in the western world, but insists on the autonomy of sport and refers to the guidelines of the UN and Olympic charters on discrimination.

“Slap in the face of Ukrainian athletes”

The German government sharply condemned the IOC recommendation in the afternoon: “The IOC’s decision is a slap in the face to Ukrainian athletes. They deserve the solidarity of international sport. The least that Ukraine can expect is a clear stance.” , explained Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). The day before the start of the IOC meeting, the Foreign ministers of Poland, Great Britain, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in a joint statement called for the exclusion of athletes from Russia and Belarus from international competitions.

There was particularly strong criticism from Ukraine, which threatened a boycott of the Olympic Games in Paris if Russia and Belarus were admitted.

DOSB complies, boycott excluded

The German Olympic Sports Confederation considers it wrong for Russian and Belarusian athletes to return to international competitions, but does not oppose the majority of those in favor. “The DOSB was and is still against the re-admission,” tweeted the umbrella organization of German sports on Tuesday. “But we accept that with this attitude we belong to a minority in international sport.” It is now all the more important that the strict requirements are credibly implemented and that sanctions are imposed in the event of violations.

“A German team will start, we rule out a boycott for fundamental reasons,” DOSB President Thomas Weikert had previously said in an interview with the Funke media group.

Athletes Germany with a clear attitude

The active representation of athletes in Germany had also clearly spoken out in favor of a further exclusion of Russia and Belarus.

In fencing, the world association had already spoken out in favor of the return with flags and anthems at the beginning of March. 300 fencers had protested against this in an open letter to the IOC and the world association.


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