Meeting Biden-Macron at the G20, Facebook changes its name and health pass challenged

Did you miss the early morning news? We have concocted a recap to help you see more clearly.

Two rooms, two atmospheres. The meeting promises to be “warm” with the Pope, a little less with Emmanuel Macron: Joe Biden is in Rome on Friday, as a driver before the G20 summit, and after having promised a “historic” plan for the American economy . The US president landed around 2:25 am in Italy. He must first meet the sovereign pontiff in the morning and then Emmanuel Macron thereafter. A face-to-face meeting which must seal their reconciliation, after a very serious diplomatic crisis around a contract for Australian submarines, which the United States blew to France.

Facebook, the social network, is not dead, but the company is now called Meta. Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg set course for the future – and tried to turn his back on the controversies of the present – by unveiling a new name for the company he founded 17 years ago. “Our brand is so tied to a single product that it can no longer represent everything we do today. Ultimately, I hope that we will be seen as a metaverse », He explained. So what is this “metaverse” (in French), which came out of the imagination of cyberpunk science fiction 30 years ago? For Zuckerberg, it is nothing less than the “future of the Internet”. Which will blur the lines between the real and the virtual and could upset all sectors, provided that the general public does not reject it overwhelmingly.

The Senate makes its voice heard. Dominated by the right-wing opposition, the Upper House of Parliament on Thursday engaged in a standoff with the government by reducing from July 31 to February 28 the extension of the braking measures against the Covid-19 epidemic and by providing for an exit territorialised health pass. The bill on “various provisions for health vigilance”, very largely revised by the senators, was voted on at first reading by 158 votes in favor (the majority of the LR and centrist groups) and 106 against. The Socialists abstained. Voted against, in addition to the majority RDPI groups En Marche, CRCE with a communist and environmentalist majority, 21 LR senators, 11 centrists and the majority of the RDSE groups with a radical majority and Independents.

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