Mediterranean island: Corsica: Again riots at nationalist demo

Mediterranean island
Corsica: Again riots at nationalist demo

Demonstrations and riots have been going on in Corsica for several days after the Corsican separatist Yvan Colonna was attacked and critically injured by a fellow prisoner in Arles prison in southern France. Photo: Pascal Pochard-Casabianca/AFP/dpa/Archive

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An attack on nationalist Yvan Colonna has been causing unrest on the French island of Corsica for more than a week. The situation escalated again on Sunday.

On the French Mediterranean island of Corsica, riots broke out again on the fringes of a nationalist demonstration.

Protesters threw Molotov cocktails and partially set fire to an administration building, local authorities said on Sunday evening. The fire brigade extinguished the flames. Videos also showed attacks on the prefecture building in Bastia. The prefecture spoke of “extreme violence” and attacks on security forces. She advised residents in the city center not to leave their homes.

According to preliminary official information, 24 emergency services, 13 demonstrators and 1 passer-by were injured. Media reported that the police used tear gas. According to the prefecture, around 7,000 people took part in the protest in the northern Corsican city. For safety reasons, streets were closed before the start. The prefecture had banned certain fireworks.

Multiple violent riots

In the past week there have been several violent riots at demonstrations on the island. They were triggered by the attack on nationalist Yvan Colonna, who was convicted of murdering the then prefect in 1998. A fellow prisoner attacked Colonna in Arles prison a week and a half ago. Colonna is now in a coma.

Demonstrators accuse France of complicity in the attack on Colonna. They are bothered that this was not transferred to Corsica. Experts see the reason for the violent protests as being that nationalist demands have not been met in recent years and that there is no real dialogue with the government in Paris.

The relationship between Corsica and the government in Paris has long been difficult. For decades, Corsican separatists fought for more independence, often with violence. The underground organization FLNC laid down their arms in 2014. At about the same time, moderate nationalists gained political importance. They now have the majority in the regional parliament and are demanding autonomy.


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