Mediators to defuse tensions due to work on the 3rd metro line

This Thursday, the kick-off of the first civil engineering project for the third line of the Toulouse metro was launched with great fanfare near the Ernest-Wallon stadium. The realization of this well dug at 30 meters deep and which must allow the intervention of the emergency services should not arouse an outcry from the residents since it is wedged between the ring road and the lateral canal.

Saïd Fouah, “mediation” manager at Tisséo Ingénierie knows that it will not be the same when the jackhammers and noria of trucks begin their ballet on the side of Faubourg-Bonnefoy, Limayrac or even François-Verdier, there where line C stations will open over the next few years.

This vast project, which should make it possible to create a 27 km long line between Colomiers and Labège, will end in 2028. Until then, the districts where the 21 stations will be created will have to live with some inconvenience on a daily basis, whether in terms of traffic, noise pollution or dust.

“Make the site acceptable”

“Our role is to appease, to intervene to make the site more acceptable, to make the link between the companies that intervene and the local residents, the traders”, explains Saïd Fouah who deployed on this project six mediators responsible for “putting oil in the wheels”. The latter did not wait for the first blow of the pickaxe to start clearing the land. Present from the study phases, they took part in all the consultation meetings, got in touch with the merchants, and distributed information bulletins to the population.

“It’s important to know the sector, the habits of a neighborhood and to establish bonds of trust well before the onset of nuisance. To inform local residents so that they have an idea of ​​what is going to happen”, assures Aziz Khelifi who takes care of the section of line C between Colomiers and Raynal. Already a mediator on line B, tramway and Téléo sites, this Tisséo Ingénierie agent sees his role as that of a “project facilitator”.

Aziz Khelifi is one of the six “works” mediators of Tisséo Ingénierie on line C of the Toulouse metro. – B. Colin

“This goes through the garbage container that is moved, pedestrian safety, compliance with PMR standards, dust. You have to make sure that you maintain good conditions, that it doesn’t get in the way. There are also the inevitable and noisy work phases, but we try to schedule them neither too early nor too late in the evening”, says the one whose laptop is permanently accessible to everyone.

Site regulations to be enforced

“Sometimes people call me just to see if a mediator is on the line. Responding to them means making contact,” says Aziz Khelifi, for whom patience and listening are two qualities necessary to do this job. And when a glitch happens, when the right of way of the site blocks access, thanks to their direct contact with the site managers, with his counterparts he can quickly solve the problems. “We also have to ensure that site regulations are applied. If there are breaches by companies, there are coercive levers,” explains Saïd Fouah.

Limiting the damage for traders who are in the direct environment of the construction site is also one of the challenges for mediators. Because when there is a huge hole in front of a store window, the consequences on turnover are quickly felt, especially when it lasts several months. “In addition to mediation, there is support from the legal department on all these issues”, specifies the head of mediators, now used to dissatisfaction and his role as a “fuse”. “We know that we are there to grease the wheels. We also meet a lot of people, it’s very diverse and that’s also what makes it interesting”, concludes with optimism the one whose job has now become essential to the smooth running of the site.

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