Media report: Paus plans to pay 3.5 billion euros for basic child security

Status: 08/18/2023 7:57 p.m

Shortly after Minister Paus did not want to say anything to the press about the costs of basic child security, this message came out: According to “Zeit Online”, Paus’ draft law is based on 3.5 billion euros – that would be surprisingly little.

According to a media report, the planned basic child security will initially cost 3.5 billion euros a year – significantly less than originally estimated by Family Minister Lisa Paus. “The total costs for the period from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025 are 3.5 billion euros,” says “Zeit Online” in the draft law completed by Paus. According to the editorial team, the paper is available.

The family minister kept a low profile. “As long as the draft law on basic child security has not left the project clearing, we can neither confirm nor deny costs that are circulating on the draft law,” said a spokesman for the Reuters news agency. “Political talks are ongoing,” the spokesman said.

Originally estimated at twelve billion euros

If the sum is confirmed, it would be less than a third of the twelve billion euros originally demanded by Paus. The Greens politician had previously announced in a short press conference that the draft law was available “with different calculation variants”. She did not want to give any further details because these are “negotiated within the government”.

Previously, she had demanded up to seven billion euros in additional spending annually. In the medium-term financial planning up to 2027, however, only an additional two billion euros are planned for this from 2025.

Above all, Finance Minister and FDP leader Christian Lindner is accused of slowing down the project. Paus had blocked tax relief for companies planned by Lindner this week – and thus caused the next open dispute in the government.

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