Media on the Ukraine aid package: A lot of approval, but the criticism is sharp

International press reviews
Ukraine aid package: “In the heat of battle, common sense also prevails in Trump’s party”

Republican Mike Johnson, leader of the US House of Representatives, defied radical forces in his party to get the Ukraine aid package through Congress

© Alex Brandon / DPA

The US Congress has put together a rare agreement on a $61 billion package for Ukraine. In the international media, approval predominates, but there are also critical voices.


“Izvestia”: “The current swamp in Washington will undoubtedly go down in the history of the planet as the smelliest in the world. At that time, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada were criticized for their venality in the Ukraine called “carcass”. America’s congressmen are “cadavers on steroids.” When it comes to venality, the elected US representatives are ahead of even the parliamentarians of the most corrupt country in Europe. What do you think the congressmen waving yellow and blue flags are so happy about? About saving Ukrainian “democracy”? They don’t give a damn. (…) Regardless of which type of Democrats or Republicans are formally in power, the American war party continues to rule. (…) The West has become firmly entrenched in the unfortunate Ukraine and is more willing to turn it into scorched earth than admit defeat to Russia.”


“Policies”: “The US showed its unique responsibility on Friday when the House of Representatives finally managed to pass a gigantic military aid package for Ukraine – and Israel and Taiwan. With its support, the US once again shows that it is the decisive protector of the liberal, free world, although the country itself is still in a deep political crisis (…) That is precisely why Europe should not rest on American aid, but on the contrary see it as an opportunity to take responsibility itself “It’s sad that in the third year of the war, Europe is unable to supply Ukraine with weapons and ammunition. Next year, Trump could become president again and the USA will disappear from the equation.”


“De Standard”: “The fact that the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress finally gave in thanks to briefings about the unstable situation in Ukraine and Putin’s possible next steps fuels confidence that common sense will prevail in Trump’s party in the heat of battle. Ukraine breathes a sigh of relief. At the last minute, a stream of arms deliveries begins, which allows it to once again defend itself against the Russian predominance. On the contrary, the feeling of security through American protection does not return. “This all feels like a dress rehearsal for what Trump might bring in November.”


“de Volkskrant”: “This decision is of enormous importance for Ukraine. In recent weeks, the country has hardly been able to defend itself against Russian attacks. There were too few anti-aircraft missiles to stop the drones and missiles that the Russians were using to attack Ukraine Apartments and power plants destroyed, and not enough artillery shells to withstand the Russian tank army on the battlefield. Ukraine defends itself with its back to the wall (…) Opponents of military aid – new right-wing radicals in the USA and old-left pacifists in the Netherlands – say that Western arms aid is prolonging the war and increasing Ukraine’s suffering. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also said this in a reaction to the vote in the House of Representatives. But in recent weeks this argument has proven to be untenable Lack of weapons has increased Ukraine’s suffering in the cities and on the battlefield.”

Great Britain

“Telegraph”: “It is one thing to end political machinations and another to ensure the rapid delivery of new weapons to Ukraine. While there is no reason why this cannot begin immediately if the political will is there, it is still unclear , when the help will actually arrive (…) Some analysts fear that the additional military support will help Ukraine hold the front line, but will not be enough to push the Russians back, so that the already existing stalemate will only be maintained “Americans are once again placing a disproportionate financial burden on themselves to protect a European country. Its closer neighbors would have to do much more. The disputes in Washington over how much aid should be provided and for how long have not been resolved.”


“The New Zurich Times”: “Without Trump, nothing works for the Republicans. And Trump’s unpredictability and his purely transactional political thinking for his own benefit can only mean one thing for Ukraine: There are no guarantees for the future. Trump was presumably persuaded to provide aid this time to do with the fact that he wanted to avoid a quick defeat before election day in November in order to maintain his own campaign promise of a peace deal that he had negotiated “within 24 hours.” That says nothing about what he will decide next time (… ) Both factors, domestic political volatility in the USA and Russia’s strategic superiority, can only mean one thing for Ukraine’s European allies: they must not let up. The country is on the verge of defeat because of the lack of ammunition and modern weapons systems Billions of dollars from the US are a great relief, but they won’t be enough.”

Sharp criticism from Hungary of the Ukraine aid package


“Magyar Nemzet”: “What’s next? More piles of corpses instead of peace. The majority of the $61 billion raised amid applause and flag-waving will neither flow into the secret bank accounts of the Ukrainian piano player (President Volodymyr Zelensky), nor will it be used to pay Ukrainian pensions ( …) If you believe the earlier revelation by the American President and his Secretary of State, Mr. Blinken, then ninety percent of the “aid” ends up in the American military industry, which uses it to produce all kinds of murderous instruments. They take this and that dusty device with them expired guarantee, strapped with stars and stripes to Kiev (…) On the one hand there is Russia, which has started a war due to an existential threat, on the other hand there is the endless hunger for profit of the American military-industrial complex, with Brussels in the Tow. The more the Americans prolong the war, the greater the chance that Ukraine will eventually disappear from the map.”


“Corriere della Sera”: “The US Republicans – and all of us – are lucky to have a man like Mike Johnson at their parliamentary leadership. Others would have fallen like ninepins and it would be doubtful that the 61 billion US dollars (57 billion euros) for the Ukraine would have come through. (…) If Trump wins the election in November, it is not certain that things will end well for Johnson. It is even possible that he will be voted out before this date risked and succeeded at the end of a complex parliamentary maneuver.”


“Washington Post”: “For now, America’s allies can breathe a sigh of relief, especially thanks to House Speaker (Republican) Mike Johnson and his willingness – albeit far too late – to stand up to the radical forces in his own party (… ) This is a historic moment. A de facto non-partisan coalition government has preserved the global credibility of the US (…) -Allies in Europe and Asia can indeed contribute more to their own defense; Israel can better address concerns about the human cost of the war in Gaza (…) Whatever happens, US leadership can be without quality “That Johnson has just shown will not be successful: political courage.”


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