Media: CDU Federal Vice Prien: Kindergarten child does not need a cell phone

CDU Federal Vice Prien: Kindergarten child does not need a cell phone

Karin Prien (CDU), Minister of Education of Schleswig-Holstein, is in favor of a general ban on the use of mobile phones for children in day care centers and elementary schools. photo

© Christoph Soeder/dpa

According to Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister of Education, playing with smartphones is not for small children. Karin Prien thinks more of a general cell phone ban for the little ones.

Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister of Education and CDU Federal Deputy Karin Prien complains about the increasing lack of exercise among children and therefore advocates massively limiting their use of mobile phones. “A kindergarten child does not need a smartphone. I also think that we should consider a general ban on cell phone use for elementary school,” Prien told the newspaper “Bild” (Saturday). Playing with smartphones means that children are not outside enough. “Children’s gymnastics, cycling, playground. All of that has become less,” stated the CDU politician.

The President of the Professional Association of Paediatricians, Thomas Fischbach, recently expressed concern about children’s Internet use. When he sees that even small children get their hands on tablets, “his hair stands on end,” Fischbach told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. A smartphone for nine-year-olds is too early. So-called influencers cavorted on social media channels, negatively influencing unstable young people. One consequence is mental illness. This can be clearly felt in the medical practices, according to Fischbach.

According to Priens, parents often set a bad example. “All in all, adults also spend too much time on their cell phones and tablets. That rubs off on the youngest,” she said and warned to deal more directly with children. “Education begins at home at a very early age. Parents have to talk to the children, play with them and ideally read ten minutes aloud every evening. I’m a big fan of fairy tales,” explained Prien.


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