Media and reporting on Middle East culture

By Nadia Zaboura and

Nils Minkmar

Even after the brutal terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel on October 7th and the Israeli army’s bombings on Gaza, this media debate has flared up again. It is characterized by questions such as: Does the media report appropriately? Do they choose the right words and show appropriate images? Is it possible to put the events in Israel and Palestine in context without relativizing what should not be relativized?

What impact does the reflection of the Middle East conflict in journalistic media have on the situation of Jews living here and on people with Palestinian roots? And, even more fundamentally, how does it affect cohesion in the diverse society in this country?

SZ journalist Nils Minkmar and communication scientist Nadia Zaboura discuss this in quoted. the media podcast. by Süddeutscher Zeitung and CIVIS Media Foundation, supported by Stiftung Mercator.

For further reading and listening:

Interview with Navid Kermani in the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger:

Pirate station Powerplay with guest Richard C. Schneider:

Report in the Berliner Zeitung, visit to the Rütli School: 2151214 (paywall)

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