Medef wants to make housing a political priority

He wants to put this subject on the political agenda. Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, believes that the housing crisis “should be the great national cause” of the coming years for the President of the Republic. According to the president of Medef, who echoes the demands of many players in the sector, France lacks hundreds of thousands of new homes.

On May 9, the government must present proposals resulting from the consultations of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR) to respond to the housing crisis: more than 4 million poorly housed people, new buildings broken down, energy renovations that are too slow… Several obstacles to new construction exist according to the leader of Medef, interviewed by LCI, RTL and Le Figaro on the show Le Grand Jury.

Difficult access to credit for many French people

First, access to credit by raising interest rates, a “recent” and “cyclical” phenomenon which “excludes about half of the French people”. But also the constraints that weigh on mayors wishing to build on their territory. Arguments already expressed by the CEO of Nexity, the leading French property developer, interviewed in the Journal du Dimanche.

In the same newspaper, the president of the Association of mayors of France and mayor of Cannes David Lisnard also asks in a forum for a relaxation of access to credit and denounces “the deleterious effects” of the policy of zero net artificialisation of soils . According to the boss of Medef, it would be necessary “to be able to exchange between municipalities and between regions” to face “contradictory injunctions”.

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