Medef believes that an agreement has already been reached

The president of Medef estimated on Friday that he had already answered the question of the distribution of exceptional profits raised last week by Emmanuel Macron, through the agreement on the sharing of value.

The President of the Republic had judged that “there is still a bit of cynicism at work, when you have large companies that make such exceptional income that they end up using this money to buy back their own shares. “.

Towards “an exceptional contribution”

Emmanuel Macron had therefore said that he was going to “ask the government to work on an exceptional contribution” so that “workers can take advantage” of this windfall.

The government wants to “force” companies “to distribute more profit-sharing, more participation, more tax-free bonuses”, when they buy back their shares, said the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire.

“But that’s exactly what we put in the agreement” on the sharing of value, assured Friday on RMC / BFMTV Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.

“We have already responded in a way to this request”

For large companies there is a paragraph which says that in the event of exceptional profits “there is the obligation to renegotiate with the unions an additional system of participation and profit-sharing”, explained the president of Medef, adding to think “that we have already responded in some way to this presidential request”.

The CFDT, the CFTC, FO and the CFE-CGC announced that they wanted to sign this national interprofessional agreement, which was rejected by the CGT.

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