McFly and Carlito’s pledge that the Elysee could not honor

McFly and Carlito were the guests of Click, the Mouloud Achour show on Canal +, this Saturday. The two YouTubers returned to the video they had shot with the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, at the Elysee Palace last May, in which the Head of State had agreed to participate in the famous anecdotes competition of the duo.

The two troublemakers had been invited to the Elysee Palace because they had succeeded in the challenge launched by Emmanuel Macron: to make a song promoting barrier gestures which reached 10 million views.

While the duo and Emmanuel Macron tied the anecdotes competition, each had to accept a pledge. McFly and Carlito flew with the Patrouille de France on July 14, the President of the Republic showed a portrait of YouTubers during an official speech.

“You let us do what we want”

McFly and Carlito asked the Elysee teams to leave them “free” for their shooting. “We told them very early on, and that to the whole team: ‘you let us do what we want'”, they explained to Mouloud Achour.

The two YouTubers only met with a refusal about a pledge they had imagined. “There was one thing they said no on, only one across the entire scope of the project,” Carlito said. “We told them: ‘Could we, if you ever lose, ask you to put a flag above the Elysee with our two heads?’ », He continued. A request categorically refused “even for a day”, said McFly, because it falls under the “Ministry of the Interior and the Armed Forces”.

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