Mayor David Lisnard responds to Emmanuel Macron on his vision of the city in a series of tweets

David Lisnard, the mayor of Cannes, in the race for the presidency of the Association of Mayors of France, is rather up against the President of the Republic. In a series of ten tweets, he returned to the remarks made by Emmanuel Macron during an interview with Provence, last week.

It was precisely this passage that triggered this thread. “We often say that we will solve the problems by decentralizing. You have a good demonstration that decentralization does not solve everything. It is unequal. It’s easier to decentralize when you’re in Cannes than in Marseille, because people aren’t the same ”.

For David Lisnard, Emmanuel Macron “obviously only knows the rich neighborhoods of our city and only sees the beautiful event exhibition”. He adds: “He ignores that Cannes has two major sectors in city politics and a historically high poverty rate. “For him,” a president should not say that, let himself go and fall into demagoguery and the cliché to flatter public opinion, by trying to artificially oppose cities and populations for political ends. “

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