“Maybrit Illner”: Lars Klingbeil and the question of whether the war in Ukraine can be “frozen” – media

“Maybrit Illner” is supposed to be about “freezing” the war in Ukraine. But instead of dismantling the term, Lars Klingbeil must once again distance himself from the SPD parliamentary group leader’s statement.

The show on Thursday evening needs a little review, a “how this came about”. A week ago, SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich gave a speech in the Bundestag, from which only one sentence stuck in the eleven minutes: One could slowly think about how the Ukraine war could be “freezed and later ended”. This was followed by outrage, distancing, demands for distancing, and Bundestag Vice President Katrin Göring-Eckardt declared Rolf Mützenich to be a “danger to our country”.

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