May 8, 1945: Russian flags are banned on Remembrance Day

Commemoration of May 8, 1945
Russian flags are banned on the anniversary of the end of the war

Members of the Russian nationalist rocker group “Nachtwölfe” lay flowers at the Soviet War Memorial in the Tiergarten in Berlin on May 9, 2023. photo

© Markus Schreiber/AP/dpa

Even 79 years after the end of the war, May 8th is highly political: Russian nationalists and supporters of Putin use the commemoration for political symbolism. Including a well-known rocker group from Moscow. But Ukrainians are also demonstrating.

To commemorate the end of the Second World War in Europe and the liberation from National Socialism 79 years ago, numerous demonstrations and commemorative events are planned this May 8th and Thursday. Is remembered in Berlin took part with several wreath-layings at the Soviet memorials in Treptower Park and in the Tiergarten, but also with rallies at the Brandenburg Gate and in the government district.

Demonstrations about Russia’s current war against Ukraine have also been announced, including pro-Russian and anti-Russian events. Last year, more than 1,500 police officers were deployed to deal with possible disruptions.

On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered and World War II ended in Europe. In Russia, Memorial Day is celebrated on May 9th. Typically, representatives of the Russian Embassy in Berlin also lay wreaths at memorial sites on May 9th.

The Russian nationalist rocker group “Nachtwölfe”, which has traveled to Berlin via Slovakia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Saxony and Brandenburg in recent years, is also expected again tomorrow. The group is considered a supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Commemoration of May 8th: Russian flags banned again

Last year, the rockers were not allowed to move through Berlin in a large group. Around 100 people then rode 60 motorcycles divided into several groups to commemorate the event in Treptower Park and near the Brandenburg Gate.

This year, the police again banned Russian flags, military uniforms, posters with the letters V or Z and other symbols and signs that could glorify the Russia-Ukraine war from around the Soviet memorials. Russian marching and military songs are also prohibited.

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