May 1: “Many people can no longer afford Munich” – Munich

What is important on Labor Day in Munich? At its May rally on Marienplatz, the Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB) addressed inflation, the increased cost of living, rents in Munich and the shortage of skilled workers. The organizer speaks of 4500 participants, the police estimate 3500.

The DGB had chosen “unbroken solidarity” as the motto for this year’s Labor Day. To demonstrate this right from the start, the Munich DGB Chairwoman Simone Burger welcomed representatives of those sub-unions that are currently negotiating wages: the railways, MVG, wholesale and foreign trade, retail and the breweries. Burger later called for a serious discussion about the 35-hour, four-day week.

Munich’s third mayor Verena Dietl (SPD) spoke about the city government’s claim to “shape the city, make the city fairer”. Many people asked themselves “whether they can still afford the apartment, whether they can afford the daycare place, whether they have a daycare place at all so that they can go about their work”. Dietl called the view that such problems would be solved by capitalism and the free market “a fairy tale”: “The market doesn’t solve any problems.” The DGB boss Simone Burger had previously demanded: “State-owned land may no longer be sold in this city and affordable apartments must be built on these properties. Apple doesn’t need any help – we do.”

Two honorary union members reported on the mood in their respective industries: Julia Stenzniewski, who works for the S-Bahn and is a member of the railway and transport union (EVG), called the employer offers in the current collective bargaining a “mockery, the hard to bear” and threatened: “If this continues, we will continue to strike.” And quite rightly so, said Stenzniewski, giving examples of how much she and her colleagues earned – all under 3,000 euros gross – and complained: “Many people who move this city can no longer afford this city.”

Rally in the drizzle: The organizer speaks of 4500 participants, the police estimate 3500.

(Photo: Robert Haas)

The doctor Peter Hoffmann, who has worked at the Munich Clinic for many years, reported on the shortage of skilled workers and the resulting working conditions not only in his hospital: you already know at the beginning of the shift that you will go home unsatisfied. “It drains you.”

Mareile Siegmund from the IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie gave the youth speech and explained how complicated it was to make ends meet in Munich with an apprenticeship salary: “A shared room here costs an average of 730 euros, a tank of fuel costs 100 euros. It will It’s getting harder and harder to afford the things you need to live.” If employers then make offers in collective bargaining that don’t even match the inflation rate, then the limit has been reached: “We won’t be fooled anymore.”

Maike Finnern, national chairwoman of the Education and Science Union and keynote speaker at the rally, first spoke about employers’ attempts to restrict the right to strike: “The right to strike is a key instrument for achieving good salaries and good working conditions for employees. Employers don’t give us these for free .” The employers’ attacks on the right to strike are an attack on the democratic constitution of our society.

Finnern spoke out in favor of generating more state revenue, for example to finance basic child security. “We need a wealth tax, we need redistribution,” she exclaimed. “Only the rich can afford a poor state.” A rent freeze, especially in big cities like Munich, is necessary.

Labor Day in Munich: Loud and cheerful: the demonstration march through the middle of the city.

Loud and cheerful: the demonstration march through the middle of the city.

(Photo: Robert Haas)

Finnern was the only speaker who addressed the war in Ukraine. She pleaded for peace, but also clearly demanded: “Mr. Putin, withdraw your troops.”

The rally ended with the old workers’ song “Brothers, to the sun, to freedom”. However, the sun wasn’t there – the culture and family festival around Marienplatz suffered from a light but constant drizzle. Later in the afternoon there was the laut.stark festival by DGB youth and celebrations with three bands at the same location.

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