Max Eberl: Stefan Effenberg attacks Gladbach President

Max Eberl
“He didn’t understand anything” – Stefan Effenberg attacks Gladbach President Königs

Former Gladbach national player Stefan Effenberg is stunned by the statements about Max Eberl by Gladbach President Rolf Königs.

© Rolf Vennenbernd / dpa

The statements by Gladbach’s President Rolf Königs after Max Eberl’s resignation caused bewilderment. Former national player Stefan Effenberg attacks Königs for his statements.

Former national soccer player Stefan Effenberg has clearly criticized President Rolf Königs of his ex-club Borussia Mönchengladbach for his statements at the resignation press conference of sports director Max Eberl. “Actually, such a man has no place in such a management position if he deals with the subject in this way,” said Effenberg on Sunday in the “Doppelpass” program on Sport1.

At the press conference on Friday, at which Eberl justified his withdrawal for health reasons with exhaustion and burnt-out, Königs explained: “When he spoke to us for the first time in October last year, we were shocked. What he wants. That he wants to get out . We then did everything in the last few months and weeks to keep him. To turn him around. We didn’t succeed.”

Stefan Effenberg stunned by Königs

Effenberg, who played for Gladbach from 1987 to 1990 and from 1994 to 1998, was stunned by the 80-year-old’s statements. “This statement is catastrophic and goes completely in the wrong direction,” he said: “He obviously didn’t understand how to deal with such things. I would have thought and expected something different from a man of his age with his life experience.”

Gladbach’s Vice President Rainer Bonhof explained in a switch to the program: “His words were completely different in the internal circle. You know that he is a businessman. But the fact that we accepted everything that Max presented also came up on the podium Expression.” In addition, the extent of Eberl’s health problems only “came to fruition” in talks on Thursday.

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