Matt Pokora “disappointed” not to participate in the opening ceremony

Matt Pokora’s ego is a little hurt. The 38-year-old singer, who has just revealed the title At your place, at my place, ode to communion, will not participate in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. “I would have liked to do it, it was not offered to me,” regrets the artist in an interview on BFMTVby presenting his tailor-made song.

He even believes that he was “legitimate for this kind of big event, big ceremony”, recalling “being renowned for being perhaps the singer closest to the world of sport, and surely the one who gives the biggest stage performances for 15, 20 years now. Nothing less than that then.

Swallowing his resentment, Matt Pokora still recognized that Aya Nakamura, who should perform on this occasion, had his place there. However, he had recently settled scores with the singer, who criticized him in 2020. “If you fill Bercy but not the zenith of Dijon, your success is still limited. (…) Today, OK, we are talking about music listened to, but there is also the real success of an artist,” he scathed on Do not touch My TV.

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