Masturbation with seagull – man pleads guilty

A seagull (icon image) Photo: picture alliance / AA

From BZ/dpa

In northern England, a man has made a very unusual confession in court. The 40-year-old admitted to engaging in sexual acts over a detained seagull in the port city of Sunderland last year.

The British news agency PA reported on Tuesday.

The prosecution accuses the man of causing unnecessary suffering to the wild bird with his sexual escapade. According to PA, security camera footage the court viewed Tuesday shows the man holding the bird between his legs, looking at a cell phone and masturbating. Afterwards he is said to have given the seagull a little kick.

The suspect was arrested near the scene of the crime. He first explained that he thought the seagull was injured and wanted to check on his cell phone what to do. However, police later found out that he had accessed porn instead.

The defense attorney said her client had problems with his mental health and requested an assessment. A sentence is to be announced on May 23.

The Chief Justice of South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court expressed his astonishment: “Even as an experienced judge I have to say this is one of the most unusual cases I have ever seen,” he said, according to the PA. The prosecution wants to ensure that the alleged perpetrator is no longer allowed to keep animals in the future.



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