Master plan for schools: groundbreaking ceremony for the expansion of the Comenius School – Ebersberg

The district wants to expand the Johann Comenius School in Grafing by a total of five full floors, while at the same time the old building of the special education center is to be extensively renovated. District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß had invited to the groundbreaking ceremony last Thursday. The project was approved by the responsible committees of the district council in October 2019 as part of the master plan for schools in the district. “We have made good progress with the implementation of the structural development of our school landscape. That is very good news. Creating a supportive learning environment for the pupils has been an investment focus of our district for many years,” explained the district administrator.

The currently approved budget amounts to 11.73 million euros.

There will be five rooms for open all-day care, seven classrooms, an art room, a seminar school for prospective teachers, five meeting rooms and offices and a ventilation center. This results in a gross floor area of ​​around 1,600 square meters. In addition, around 1,000 square meters of gross floor space in the old building from 1983 will be renovated. This applies in particular to the area of ​​the pre-school facilities, specialist rooms, staff rooms, the sanitary area and the central heating system.

The currently approved budget amounts to EUR 11.73 million, of which EUR 9 million is for the southern extension and EUR 2.7 million for the renovation of the existing building. Funding totaling 4.2 million euros was approved for the construction measures.

If everything goes according to plan, the new building should be completed by the end of next year. The completion of all conversion measures is planned for the year 2024.

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