Massage stick for intimate hours and against tension

2 in 1 device
How a massage stick should relieve tension and increase pleasure

Different parts of the body can be stimulated with a massage stick

© Delmaine Donson / Getty Images

Stubborn muscle tension that occurs in the shoulder and back area cannot be treated by those affected. This is why the massage stick was invented. However, as it turned out over time, the vibrating device can also be used for other purposes.

Who doesn’t know the notorious scene from the cult series “Sex and the City” in which Samantha Jones wants to exchange her broken vibrator – and the seller then replies: “It’s not a vibrator, it’s a neck massager”. When he then asks her what was wrong with the device, the marketing expert replies confidently: “I can’t make it anymore.” In fact, she’s not the only woman who has realized that a massage stick can also be used as a stimulator in the intimate area. The device is now sold by many manufacturers as a sex toy. Regardless of the area for which the product is used, we will present the functions of the massager in detail again.

This is how a massage stick works

There are two different types of massage sticks on the market, which either have to be operated manually or are electrically operated. Depending on the manufacturer, different materials are processed, the most common include silicone and rubber wood. The shape of the models is actually always the same: a long, ergonomically shaped handle, at the end of which there is usually a round one massage head located. If the device has an electric motor, the intensity of the vibrations can be set individually and adapted to personal needs. Massage sticks with an integrated rechargeable battery are particularly popular without cable get along – and can therefore be used more flexibly (without a socket).

Tip: There are also significantly smaller models in the Pocket format on the go.

The massage stick for tense muscles

Pain in the neck area, shoulders or back cannot be kneaded away with your own hands. In order to loosen individual parts of the body, the massage stick invented: Due to its practical length, it can easily reach hard-to-reach places and is said to relieve stubborn tension or sore muscles. With the selective application, you can save yourself expensive massages by simply loosening the fascia yourself. For example, for home use handheld devices with 20 different vibration modes for treating individual parts of the body. Whether neck massage, foot or back massage – you decide for yourself where and how intensively Full body massage stick is used.

That’s why a massage stick promotes climaxes

As Samantha Jones once claimed, a massage stick can also be used elsewhere – for example for intimate hours alone (or as a couple). The explanation for this is very simple: the intense vibrations of the device are similar to those of an ordinary vibrator. Therefore, it is not surprising why mainly silicone models are used for intimate massages. They stimulate the external intimate area and can therefore help women in particular to climax. In combination with a soothing massage oil or a lube (water-based), the device is versatile. However, keep in mind that the rod should always be cleaned afterwards.

Hygiene tips: To keep the massage stick germ-free, you should clean it regularly with soap and water, provided the material is suitable for this. Alternatively, you can also use a special toy cleaner deploy. It can be used for silicone, ABS, PVC, latex and rubber.

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