Masked Singer Final: Alexander Klaws wins as Mülli Müller

ProSieben show
The garbage monster is a “superstar”: Alexander Klaws wins “Masked Singer”

Alexander Klaws won the fifth season of “The Masked Singer” as Mülli Müller

© Rolf Vennenbernd / DPA

When a monster from a garbage can duels a roller-skate caterpillar, you know: “The Masked Singer” is looking for a winner. In the fifth season his name is Alexander Klaws.

A retro wave is currently sweeping through German television. “Bet that..?” experienced a comeback, “TV total” as well. And a touch of millennium nostalgia wafts across the stage of the ProSieben show “The Masked Singer” on Saturday evening. They meet: Alexander Klaws, 2003 very first winner of the casting show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”, and Sandy Mölling, who triggered the casting boom for “Popstars” with the band No Angels in 2000. They just look different than they did then. One carries a banana peel on his head and lives in a barrel. The other pulls a caterpillar with roller skates behind her.

The finale of the fifth season of the show, in which celebrities hide their identities under strange costumes and sing, has become – unplanned – a duel between the casting pioneers. In the end, Klaws, who gets the most votes from the audience, wins. That may also be due to the fact that he is going through the most miraculous transformation. When he squeezes out of his costume, the cheers are great.

For several weeks, the 38-year-old had been playing jokes on stage as a blue monster Mülli Müller – and delivered extremely entertaining performances. Sometimes he sang soulfully like Whitney Houston, sometimes he roared like Rage Against the Machine. “Have a beer and a shower,” said Klaws when asked what he was looking forward to after the whole thing. “I’m still half Mülli.”

Alexander Klaws on “The Masked Singer:” That’s the hottest shit ”

After his victory in “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”, the musician from Ahlen was better known as a gentle pop singer. His song “Take Me Tonight”, composed by Dieter Bohlen, became a number one hit. He later switched to musicals and took on the lead role in “Tarzan”. In 2014 he also won the RTL dance show “Let’s Dance”.

But now Mülli Müller took possession of him. “I put this head on and something happened to me,” said Klaws of his metamorphosis. “Some lever clicked and I went nuts.” In the meantime he has already done a lot in his career. “But that’s the hottest shit.”

You wouldn’t have been too close to Klaws if you hadn’t added him to the rock department before the show. As a garbage can, however, he gave the plaster a lot of fun. He also sang in a disguised voice. Nobody knows that he has a deep heart for metal music, says Klaws. “Who should know? But that’s the way it is, my wife can confirm it. If at some point I’m annoyed and I get up and listen to Rock Antenne, then my wife also knows: Okay, I’ll leave him alone for ten minutes up there.”

Ruth Moschner raved about Mülli Müller

That he could be stuck under the garbage monster mask, however, had been a hot tip before. Above all, presenter Ruth Moschner, who sat on the program’s advice team, was impressed by Mülli. “My heart is pounding a little with Mülli Müller. Because he’s cute,” she whispered before an appearance. Of course it could also be Klaws, she later said on record. “But am I in love with Alex Klaws? No, not really.” After the revelation, there could now be a need for clarification.

At the same time, the job as a rubbish monster was hard work. “At some point I stopped counting the number of times I went black. Because: You just can’t breathe underneath,” said Klaws about the bulky costume. But that didn’t stop him from running acrobatically across the stage. “Now we’re going to tear the hut down again!” Roared the fluffy cattle at his final song.

800 hours and expensive Swarovski stones - the most elaborate costumes

Klaws prevailed in the last vote against Mölling from the No Angels, which was exposed as a caterpillar on roller skates. Her band mates had already found out about her, as she revealed. “They immediately sent messages via WhatsApp. Sure, they said: Little mouse, we recognized you immediately.” In addition, the Austrian pop singer Christina Stürmer was revealed as a heroine and musician Carolin Niemczyk from the band Glasperlenspiel as a pug in the finale.

“The Masked Singer” is coming back for Christmas

In the previous shows, “Tagesschau” head spokesman Jens Riewa climbed out of a chilli costume and soccer world champion Pierre Littbarski out of a disguise as a hammerhead shark.

With his victory, Klaws succeeded pop singer Sasha, who had won the fourth season as a dinosaur. This time it was chosen by the audience, unusually by phone and SMS. ProSieben said there were technical problems with the last app used. “The Masked Singer” ran for the first time on a Saturday evening. And replenishment is coming soon: On Boxing Day, there will be a special edition with three new masks. The first of these, a cute-looking reindeer with fairy lights on its antlers, was presented in the finale. The other two are still secret.

jum / DPA

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