Mask Singer – “They do it on purpose not to eliminate him too quickly”, “big scam”: according to Internet users, the jurors “pretend” not to recognize Mika

They are sure of themselves! In front of Mask Singer on TF1 this Friday, April 1, 2022, many Internet users recognized Mika behind the Crocodile costume. An “obviousness” which, to their surprise, was not at all shared by the members of the jury. For them, of course, the four investigators purposely did not offer the name of the singer, so as not to spoil the suspense of the show…

Screen capture TF1 direct/Mask Singer

This Friday, April 1 evening was marked by the great return on TF1 from Mask Singerthe program in which investigators try to discover what celebrities are hiding behind mascots performing weekly vocal performances. This season again, the jury of detectives remains unchanged: Anggun, Jarry, Kev Adams and Alessandra Sublet have returned for this third season. same for me Camille Combal, on the animation side. The only novelties reside in the rules of the game: some evenings, a personality will come to help the investigators to progress in their reflections.

And for the first time, the stars will speak with their real voices on set, saying a single word chosen by the jury. Another novelty of the season: the investigators must indicate on a secret ballot their first intuition after the first magneto clue and the first performance of certain mascots. Whoever finds the most celebrities will win the “Golden Ear” trophy at the end of the season.

This Friday evening, viewers were able to meet the first characters: a banana, a cosmonaut, a crocodile, a chameleon, a butterfly, a tree, a deer or even a Bernard-L’hermitte followed one another on stage. On twitter, as with the members of the jury, certain costumes particularly impressed: this was the case in particular of the chameleon, described as as “sexy as it is frightening” with its color variations, or the Bernard-L’hermitte, who did not leave not glimpse the legs of the celebrity. “The most atypical costume we’ve had in three years” said Camille Combal about her.

The crocodile made a strong impression on him thanks to its slender look and slim waist. With his tight purple suit tightened by a belt, some members of the jury immediately imagined that he was a swimmer… But the twittos very quickly left on another track. Thanks to his rap performance on Je danse le Mia, users of the blue bird social network thought they quickly detected a small accent and recognized a voice they know well: that of the singer Mika. A clue appearing in the magneto confirmed them in their hypothesis: we see a bodyguard forming a V with his fingers, which could refer to the program The Voice in which Mika actually officiated. The teaser for the season also told them that an international star was on the program…

Sure of themselves, Internet users did not understand why the investigators had not thought of the interpreter of Relax at all. Leaving completely on other tracks, they preferred to put forward the names of Camille Lacourt, Laurent Maistret, Christophe Beaugrand or even Stéphane Bern… For some tweeters, of course, they deliberately silenced the obvious in order to add some suspense to the show. Others even went further by saying that everything was calculated so that he would not leave the program too quickly… In short, for them this is proof that the show is rigged. However, it remains to be seen whether Mika is indeed part of the cast of Mask Singer this year!

VIDEO – Camille Combal’s Minute

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