Marlène Schiappa confides in her miscarriage

Guest of the show An intimate ambition presented by Karine Le Marchand on M6, Marlène Schiappa returned to the reasons that pushed her to postpone the interview with the presenter. The
Minister Delegate in charge of Citizenship indeed postponed the exchange after having had a miscarriage. “I had an early pregnancy which did not go well and which ended in a miscarriage which was complicated,” she confided before explaining how Prime Minister Jean Castex l ‘accompanied.

“At the beginning, I didn’t dare say what I had because politics is an ultra-competitive environment, when you have a weakness, people are not in the empathy, she admitted. I ended up saying it, first because I felt so bad and because I didn’t have the heart to wake up at 5:30 am to go do a morning show and defend the government’s action. I told the Prime Minister and I was pleasantly surprised because I was very supported ”. And to conclude on the shame that surrounds miscarriages. “We don’t dare, we are a little ashamed and I don’t know why, because there is no shame”.

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