Markus Söder wants to rebuild his cabinet in Bavaria on Wednesday

Kreise: Söder wants to reshuffle his cabinet on Wednesday

According to the German Press Agency, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) wants to reshuffle his cabinet

© Michael Kappeler / DPA

Again and again there was speculation about a cabinet reshuffle in Bavaria. Now the German Press Agency wants to know that Prime Minister Markus Söder wants to reshuffle his government on Wednesday.

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder is expected to remodel his cabinet on Wednesday. The German Press Agency in Munich learned this on Monday from parliamentary and government circles. Accordingly, the CSU leader is planning to inform the state parliamentary group in the morning. Söder should then inform the public about his intentions.

Cabinet reshuffle in Bayer: no official confirmation yet

Officially, however, no one wants to confirm this at first. A government spokeswoman confirmed on request that the regular cabinet meeting scheduled for Tuesday was cancelled.

Over the past few weeks, there has been repeated speculation in the media and behind closed doors about the reorganization of the Bavarian cabinet. It had always been said that Söder wanted to wait until the current omicron wave in Bavaria had passed its peak.


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