Markus Söder travels to Italy and meets Giorgia Meloni – a complicated journey – Bavaria

When Markus Söder flies to Rome on Friday, he won’t just have gifts for the Pope with him. He is also accompanied by questions. Why does he seek proximity to Giorgia Meloni, whom he actually wanted to avoid? And: Is anyone brushing against the picture of the Chancellor?

When Markus Söder (CSU) flew to Rome for the first time as Prime Minister, “X” was still called Twitter, that was in the summer of 2018. At that time, Söder posed on the plane stairs for a photo that was shown on Twitter a little later, along with this line : “Holy Father’s visit to the Vatican today”. The sentence was a complete grammatical misunderstanding. Which is why the comments under the tweet almost all went in this direction: “Now he thinks he’s the Pope!”

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