Marius Müller-Westernhagen: broadside against Putin, Schröder and Co.

Marius Müller-Westernhagen
Broadside against Putin, Schröder and Co.

Marius Müller-Westernhagen will release his new album in May.

© Olaf Heine

Marius Müller-Westernhagen is political: In the song “Zeitgeist” he chooses harsh words to settle accounts with Putin, Schröder or Trump.

Heidi Klum, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and also his longtime friend Gerhard Schröder: In the new song “Zeitgeist” by Marius Müller-Westernhagen (73), prominent faces get their fat off – without usually being addressed directly. The singer leaves in the accompanying video especially the pictures speak. In it, Westernhagen sings and dances in front of screens showing photos and videos of the people mentioned – interrupted by the war in Ukraine, obvious environmental destruction and other contemporary events.

In the typical guitar-heavy Westernhagen sound, the singer-songwriter once again becomes lyrically political. In the socially critical song it says right at the beginning: “I prayed, you killed with your words power / want to trust yourself, trust in God / screamed as loud as I could while you were sunbathing, laughing at me with a deaf botox face. ” Specifically by name, Westernhagen only mentions the Kardashian phenomenon in his song: “The paint is off, the air is out.”

That’s what Marius Müller-Westernhagen thinks about the Kardashians

In a statement accompanying the song, the musician explains: “Kim Kardashian made a lot of money with practically nothing and taught a lot of young people that this is life: the next party and what you wear there.” Against this background, Westernhagen criticizes the social media platforms, which in his eyes transport and reinforce this content: “They encourage voyeurism, exhibitionism, envy. And they promote banalities. That’s idiotic.”

The accompanying album “Das Eine Leben” can already be pre-ordered, but will not be released until May 20, 2022. It will be the 19th studio album in his long career. His last work “Alphatier” from 2017 once again made it to the top of the German charts. A total of seven of his albums climbed to number one in the charts.


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