Marine Le Pen joins forces with fifteen representatives of far-right parties including Viktor Orban

About fifteen allies from far-right or conservative parties in Europe formalized their union this Friday through a “joint declaration”. Among them are Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Italian Lega Matteo Salvini, the Prime Minister and Hungarian Fidesz boss Viktor Orban, the leader of the Polish Law and Justice party Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the boss of Vox in Spain Santiago Abascal, and the chef of Fratelli d’Italia (neo-fascist) Georgia Meloni.

“At a time when globalists and Europeanists, of which Emmanuel Macron is the main representative in France, are launching the Conference on the Future of Europe which aims to increase the power of European bodies, today’s agreement is the first stone towards the constitution of a great alliance in the European Parliament ”, write the signatories in their declaration, published by the party Rassemblement national of Marine Le Pen.

Desire for a “deep reform” of the EU

These parties do not all belong to the same groups in the European Parliament. The RN and the League are part of the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, while Law and Justice, Vox and Fratelli d’Italia are in the Conservatives and Reformists (CRE) group. Fidesz, which divorced in March from the European People’s Party (EPP) group, is looking for other partners.

In a separate declaration, integrated by a link to the joint declaration, Marine Le Pen, who is holding her congress on Saturday and Sunday, specifies that this document is the “basis of a common cultural and political work, respecting the role of the current political groups. “. She underlines the need for a “deep reform” of the EU, fearing the “creation of a European superstate”.

“Joining forces to have more weight in the debates”

The EU “continues to pursue the federalist path which inexorably distances it from the peoples who are the beating heart of our civilization”, write in their joint declaration the 16 signatories.

“Armed with this observation, the most influential patriotic parties on the continent have understood the importance of joining forces to weigh more in the debates and reform the European Union”, they add, saying they want to draw “the outlines of joint action ”.

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