Marine Le Pen criticizes Emmanuel Macron’s “mixture of marketing and dishonesty”

This Sunday, Marine Le Pen castigated the “subtle mix of marketing and dishonesty” of “Emmanuel Macron’s policy” and referred to the future European elections, “a fundamental democratic meeting for the French”, during her back-to-school speech in Hénin-Beaumont, in Pas-de-Calais.

Deploring a “generalized collapse” of France, the leader of the deputies of the National Rally (RN) detailed the sources of this “downgrading”, from public services to the economy, including the “bankruptcy” in terms of immigration or by the “pandemic of unbridled violence”. She particularly highlighted the “dramatic situation” of the school and the “false answers” ​​provided, according to her, by the Minister of Education Gabriel Attal.

See you for the Europeans in 2024

As for the ban on the abaya pronounced at the start of the school year, “I find it difficult to be fascinated by the implementation of a measure which, in reality, should have been in force since the vote of the law of 2004 on religious symbols at school, if we had less timid leaders,” she grumbled.

More generally, Marine Le Pen attacked the “subtle mixture of marketing and dishonesty” which colors “Emmanuel Macron’s policy” in all areas, from hospitals to nursing homes and public transport. She also attacked the “disinterest, even the nonchalance displayed by Emmanuel Macron and some of his ministers for the protection of the French”, particularly aimed at illegal immigration.

Outlining a few proposals (VAT reduction, teachers’ salary increase, etc.) during her speech, Marine Le Pen felt that it is “now a long time ago when the opposition that we embody was only a force of CONTESTATION “. “More than ever, we embody hope and solutions,” she continued, setting the course for the next European elections in June 2024, “a fundamental democratic meeting for the French”.

The leader of the RN deputies specified that she would present, next weekend, in the Gard, a “proposal which should bring together all those who are attached to their nation and who are aware that without it, there is no has no freedom, no prosperity, no identity, no security, no progress”.

In the countryside on conquered ground

Before her speech, Marine Le Pen had wandered around the city’s street market, playing selfies or posing in an old Volkswagen with young women dressed in retro 1950s style. in a situation, don’t worry, ”she slipped to a resident who challenged her. While Marine Le Pen benefits from favorable polls, “France is starting to see clearly”, rejoices Pascal Delbecque, a retired electrician. If she becomes president, “at least she will do a little for us French people,” he continues.

Present during the speech, Bastien, forklift driver and RN activist, calls on the French to “give Marine a chance” after having “tried almost all the parties”. “We see that purchasing power is continuously decreasing and that no one is moving. We have to find a solution, ”he pleads again.

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