Marine Le Pen “challenges” the date marking the end of the Algerian war

This Friday, France celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Evian agreements signed on March 18, 1962 and which led to the implementation of a ceasefire the next day. March 19, 1962 is thus inscribed in the history books as marking the end of the Algerian war. A vision of history with which Marine Le Pen, like many harkis and returnees, does not agree.

“We have long disputed this date chosen because this date, which was imposed as the end of the Algerian war, was not the end of the Algerian war, because there were tens of thousands of harkis who were savagely murdered,” declared Friday on France Inter the presidential candidate of the National Rally, former National Front, which was for a long time the refuge of supporters of French Algeria.

Marine Le Pen wants Algeria to apologize

“If it is a question of reconciling memories by flagellating in front of Algeria which does not stop calling for acts of repentance, me as far as I am concerned, it will be no”, added the far-right candidate, “ unless Algeria itself asks forgiveness from the harkis for the way they behaved towards them”. For Marine Le Pen, the harkis, these Algerians who fought in the French army, “were particularly mistreated by the government of the time” and “we must have very deep gratitude towards (them)”, they are “ people who have chosen France, who are French not only by their identity, but by the blood shed”.

Emmanuel Macron is to preside over a ceremony on Saturday at the Elysée for the 60th anniversary of the Evian agreements and the ceasefire in Algeria with a concern for “appeasement” of memories and “outstretched hand” to Algeria. “March 19 is a step on this path (from memory) but it is not the end,” insisted the presidency.

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