Marilyn Monroe on Netflix: It’s all about incest reverie

New Marilyn Monroe documentary reveals she dreamed of having sex with her father

New Netflix documentary is about Marilyn Monroe

©Netflix 2022

The new Netflix documentary “Mystery Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes” is now dedicated to previously unreleased sound recordings and reveals spicy details from the life of the Hollywood legend.

Her death is a mystery. Conspiracies are still circulating today. Investigative journalist Anthony Summers wanted to get to the bottom of the rumors in the 80s. He planned three weeks, but it turned out to be years. He conducted about a hundred interviews. Met friends, acquaintances, colleagues of Monroe. Talked to investigators and psychologists and hairdressers. Now his results have been summarized in a documentary for the first time: “Mystery Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes” is the new Netflix documentary about the Hollywood legend. The previously unheard tape recordings that Summers collected during his research are new.

It’s about their rise in Hollywood, their marriages, their traumatic childhood, taking pills, miscarriages, perfectionism and vulnerability. Interviews and film footage from the late 1940s, 1950s and early 1960s were used in the documentary.

New on Netflix: “Mystery Marilyn Monroe”

Marilyn Monroe’s childhood comes up again and again in the documentary. At a young age, Monroe experienced little stability. She was housed in various foster families and also lived in a children’s home for several years, while her mother lived in institutions for women with mental illnesses. Friend and actress Peggy Feury, cassette 52A, tells that Monroe was abused in her childhood. The question of Marilyn Monroe’s biological father could not be clarified during his lifetime. In Monroe’s birth certificate, however, her mother’s husband at the time was entered, with whom there was actually no longer any contact. However, she herself speculated on Charles Stanley Gifford. He was her mother’s boss in a film company and had an affair with her. The magazine “Varietyrecently reported that Gifford was posthumously confirmed as Monroe’s father.

In the documentary, Schneider tells Henry Rosenfeld, microcassette #98, who was a close friend of Marilyn Monroe to the end, about Monroe’s revenge plans for her father: “She really wanted to meet her father. I remember a party and a game we played everyone had to say what they wanted most in the world and she said she wanted to put on a black wig and pick up her father in a bar to make love to her. And then she would say, ‘And how does it feel to have a daughter that you slept with?'”

Later in the documentary, it’s also about Monroe’s intimate relationships with the Kennedy brothers Robert and John F., about the fact that Monroe’s house was bugged. Investigative journalist Anthony Summers also talks about his own research into the circumstances of Monroe’s death and the question of whether and by whom these were covered up.

All in all, the documentation offers little new for interested Monroe fans except for the tape recordings. For everyone else, it is certainly a good introduction to the colorful life of the Hollywood legend and is well suited as background knowledge for the upcoming Netflix film “Blonde”. James Bond star Ana de Armas plays Marilyn Monroe in the biopic. the portal”collidersAccording to it, it should be the first Netflix film to get an FSK 18. The reason: too much bare skin. If you have seen the documentary beforehand, you can guess what it could be about.

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