Marilyn Manson is said to have had a torture cell for women

Sexual abuse
Torture cell and electric shocks: New report sheds terrifying light on Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson is charged with sexually abusing several women

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The “Rolling Stone” has collected allegations against shock musician Marilyn Manson and spoke to 55 people involved. What they reveal is shocking.

“The monster that is hiding for all to see” – the headline of a new “Rolling Stone” report is already tough.

The music magazine has collected new, serious allegations against shock musician Marilyn Manson. To do this, the journalists examined court files and spoke to a total of 55 people involved. And what they reveal is shocking.

Marilyn Manson: Alleged torture cell in his apartment

Manson is said to have converted a recording booth in his apartment into a torture cell for women. Several witnesses have reported to the “Rolling Stone” that he locked the women there for hours and punished them for alleged mistakes. He allegedly called the cell the “Bad Girls Room”. However, the information does not come as a complete surprise, after all, Manson had already said in interviews that he had a “soundproof” room in which he could lock people up.

One of the women Manson saw and spoke to the magazine said, “First he made it sound cool. Then he made it sound very punitive. Even if I screamed, no one would hear me. First you fight and he enjoys the fight. I learned not to defend myself because it gave him what he wanted. I was just somewhere else in my head. ” His apartment, which another friend referred to as a “black refrigerator”, is said to have been decorated with porn pictures, swastikas and blood.

Sexual Abuse: Torture Cell and Electric Shock: New Report Sheds Terrifying Light on Marilyn Manson

Evan Rachel Wood accuses him of violence

“Game of Thrones” actress Esmé Bianco also claims that Manson abused her. According to “Rolling Stone” he is said to have withheld her food, bitten her, electrocuted her, and even raped her. One night he chased her armed with an ax through his apartment.

Last October, some of Manson’s ex-girlfriends and lovers sat down and talked about their experiences. There was also actress Evan Rachel Wood, who only mentioned the name of her tormentor in February of this year. Before that she had been silent about it. She no longer wanted to live “in fear of retaliation, slander or blackmail,” she wrote at the time, giving other women the courage to raise their voices against Manson.

According to his lawyers, Manson “vehemently denies any allegation of sexual assault or abuse of persons”. Several women have now indicted him.

source: “The Rolling Stone”


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