Marie-Luise Marjan: She misses her deceased life partner

Marie-Luise Marjan
She misses her deceased life partner

Sometimes Bodo Bressler accompanied actress Marie-Luise Marjan on the red carpet.

© imago / Mauersberger

Marie-Luise Marjan still misses her life partner who “suddenly” died in March. This is how she deals with the loss.

Actress Marie-Luise Marjan (81, “Lindenstrasse”) mourns the loss of her partner Bodo Bressler, who “suddenly” died in March. “On my 80th birthday he was in top shape”, she remembers in an interview with the magazine “Bunte” about the midsummer a year ago. “Then he suddenly died of a heart attack.”

She couldn’t say goodbye to the man with whom she had spent 39 years together in a long-distance relationship between Cologne and Hamburg. Bressler was in Travemünde, Schleswig-Holstein, and took care of the furnishing of the jointly rented apartment near the Baltic Sea. From there he called every evening: “It’s so fantastic here, so unique. Now all that’s missing is you,” were his last words to the actress.

Burial at sea in the Baltic Sea

After his death, Marie-Luise Marjan organized the burial at sea, which he always wanted. “He was a seaman at heart, he went to sea for three years in a row and he always talked about the sea,” she says, adding: “Now he is buried in the Baltic Sea near Niendorf.”

In memory of him, she will book a trip next year “and invite people who were close to us,” says Marjan. Until then, she will have the memory book she made about her great love. “I made a book with pictures of Bodo, the letters of condolence and everything that connects us,” she says.

The loss has not yet been processed; she first pushed the grief aside because there was so much to organize. Above all, she feels alone “in the morning and in the evening”, just not when she is working. “When I go to the Rhine, I have to think of him, how we sat here together, and then I have to cry,” she admits. And she missed him at home too. “I often think: He’s coming soon, the door opens and there is Bodo. But it’s not like that,” says Marie-Luise Marjan.


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