Marie-Divine Kouame world champion in the 500m

And one more ! Marie-Divine Kouame, just 20, brought France its second gold medal at the Track Cycling World Championships by winning the ladies’ 500m on Saturday in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

The day after Mathilde Gros won the speed title, the young Frenchwoman overtook the German Emma Hinze and the Chinese Yufang Guo in this non-Olympic event.

It is the first title for France in this discipline among the ladies for twenty-three years and the fifth consecutive coronation for Félicia Ballanger.

A world title bodes well before the 2024 Olympics in Paris

Kouamé, who won in 32 sec 835, a new French record, at an average of 64.767 km/h, put an end to Germany’s supremacy in this event which was removed from the Olympic program after the 2004 Olympic Games, just like the kilometer for men.

The double title holder, the German Lea Sophie Friedrich, had been eliminated in qualifying the day after her defeat in the sprint final against Mathilde Gros.

Even if the 500m is no longer an Olympic discipline, this world title bodes well before the 2024 Olympics in Paris which will take place on the same track and where Kouamé can hope to shine in the speed test.

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