Maria Ehrich: “Ku’damm” star is pregnant for the first time

Maria Ehrlich
“Ku’damm” star is pregnant for the first time

The “Ku’damm” actress Maria Ehrich is expecting her first child.

© imago/Eventpress

Maria Ehrich and husband Manuel Vering are looking forward to their first child: “We can’t wait to meet our sweet summer child.”

Actress Maria Ehrich (29) is pregnant. That gave the 29-year-old known on Instagram. Ehrich wrote about two pictures that show her with a clear baby bump: “… and sometimes, despite everything – and in the biggest storm, you also find a bit of personal happiness.”

“Our Sweet Summer Child”

The child’s father is her husband Manuel Vering. The actress has been married to the director and journalist since last June. The couple had previously been engaged for three years. “We can’t wait to meet our sweet summer child,” Ehrich continued. The father-to-be shared the post, saying, “It’s really happening.”

Ehrich became known throughout Germany with the successful “Ku’damm” series (since 2016). She also took part in “Das Adlon. Eine Familiensaga” and the “Rubinrot” film series.


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