Marcq-en-Baroeul cancels a concert by singer Izïa after her remarks targeting Macron

“The artist made scandalous remarks, very violent towards the President of the Republic during a concert given in Beaulieu-sur-Mer. In a press release, the city of Marcq-en-Barœul, a city in the agglomeration of Lille, in the North, explains, this Monday, the reasons which push it to cancel an Izïa concert. The singer was to perform on July 13, at the Hippodrome, before the traditional National Day fireworks display, organized by the municipality.

Emmanuel Macron in piñata

“These comments were deeply shocking, particularly in view of the latest events that we all experienced and suffered less than a week ago. They are criminally reprehensible, ”denounces the city again in its press release. The town hall decided to terminate “unilaterally the part of the contract relating to the performance of the singer Izïa for reasons of general interest under its prerogatives of public power”.

The singer is targeted by an investigation for “public provocation to commit a crime or an offense” after having imagined Emmanuel Macron in a piñata, an object which is used to let off steam, during his concert, Thursday, in the Alpes-Maritimes.

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