Marcel Bluwal, director and theater director, is dead

Marcel Bluwal, emblematic figure of the conservatory of dramatic art in Paris, died on Saturday at the age of 96, according to his agent this Sunday. The director and theater director died “peacefully on Saturday morning” in Paris, said his entourage.

“My sorrow is immense, I wish him a beautiful journey, he was an essential man”, wrote on Facebook actress Ariane Ascaride, who was his pupil. Born in Paris on May 26, 1925 to Polish Jewish immigrant parents, he entered television in the 1950s where he began by producing children’s programs (Thursday afternoon) before embarking on a television adaptation of masterpieces of theater and literature.

Several staging noticed

He who has a high idea of ​​the cultural mission of television dust off the greatest authors: The barber of Seville, Figaro’s wedding, The game of love and chance, The Karamazov brothers… From the years 1980-1990, he abandoned the small screen for the theater. Several staging noticed, including in particular The Misanthrope (1968), Dom Juan returns from war (1975), False confidences (1982).

His forays into the cinema – like Pile-ups with Louis de Funès (1963) or The most beautiful country in the world (1998) with Claude Brasseur- were more modest and received a mixed reception. Engaged on the left, he was a member of the PCF, which he left in 1981. In 2008, after thirteen years of absence from television, he directed the miniseries To the right any devoted to the rise of the extreme right in France during the years 1935-1937 through the formation of the Cagoule, an underground organization which fomented the overthrow of the Republic.

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