Maradona’s medical treatment “was very bad, that’s why he died”, denounces his former lawyer

Asked as part of the investigation into the death of Diego Maradona, the former lawyer for the ex-Argentine football star said that the medical treatment given to his client “was very bad” and that it was “for that he died. “

“The mistakes made were many because Diego died, he swelled and swelled the poor until his heart exploded,” Matias Morla told reporters after his testimony of more than three hours in the prosecutor’s office in San Isidro, in the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires, which is investigating the circumstances of the former footballer’s death.

Maradona was “abandoned to her fate” according to medical report

Diego Maradona, who suffered from kidney and liver problems, heart failure, neurological deterioration and addiction to alcohol and psychotropic drugs, died of a heart attack on November 25, 2020, at the age of 60 years, two weeks after an operation for a hematoma on the head.

He was convalescing in a private residence under the supervision of a medical team of seven people already heard by justice as part of the investigation for “manslaughter with aggravating circumstances” opened to determine whether the ex-star of the round ball was “abandoned” to a slow agony for lack of adequate care.

Legal battle around the “Maradona” brand

Matias Morla recounted his last visit to his client on November 16, nine days before his death. “When I entered the house he had a strange, robotic, very high-pitched and intermittent voice, I informed everyone of Diego’s state of health. Then I realized it was because of the amount of water retained in the body, ”he said.

The lawyer described the family’s decision to continue recovering Maradona outside of a hospital environment as “madness”. Maradona “had no reason to go to a house when the doctors said he had to stay in the clinic”, he said, considering that he had been “abandoned by his daughters”, in reference to the two eldest daughters, Dalma and Gianinna. “But one thing is moral responsibility and another thing is legal responsibility,” he said.

Matias Morla and the eldest daughters of ex-number 10 are engaged in a legal battle over the use of the “Maradona” brand. In early September, the courts rejected an appeal brought by Dalma and Gianinna against Matias Morla who is authorized to market names, nicknames and pseudonyms referring to Maradona who had given him power of attorney in 2015.

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