Many tributes to Christophe Dominici during the Toulon-Stade français match

The shadow of Christophe Dominici could only hover on Sunday over the Toulon-Stade French match. It must be said that the rugby champion, who died suddenly in November 2020 at the age of 48, mainly spent his professional career in both clubs. A minute of loud applause, a kick-off given by his family and the name Domi with the number 11 written on the lawn: the Mayol stadium therefore logically paid tribute to him.

A portrait of the former winger of the XV of France (67 caps) was deployed on the field before the match. Several former players who knew him, such as the current coach of the Blues Fabien Galthié, as well as relatives were present on the lawn.

A trophy in tribute to “Domi”

The match between Toulon and the Stade Français on the occasion of the 3rd day of Top 14 marks the first round of a trophy created in tribute to “Domi”. Bearing his name, it will be awarded to the winner of the two duels between the two teams in the league. The winner will be the team “which will have accumulated the most field points in the round-trip matches of their direct confrontations”, explained the Var club and the Parisian club in press releases.

The second round is scheduled for the weekend of January 29 at the Jean-Bouin stadium on the occasion of the 16th day of Top 14. For the moment, the advantage is for Toulon which has largely imposed on its lawn 38 at 5.

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