Manchester United: Varane is out for a month

Manchester United: Varane is out for a month

Shock for Manchester United, who have to do without defender Raphael Varane for several weeks.

Bitter news for Manchester United: New signing Raphael Varane will be absent for the Red Devils for some time. The club announced on Wednesday.

The central defender sustained a muscle injury in his thigh in the 2-2 draw in the Champions League against Atalanta Bergamo and will be out for around four weeks, the statement said.

Varane, who moved from Real Madrid to Manchester for 40 million euros in the summer, had to leave the field in the first half.

Varane misses top Premier League games

As a result, Varane missed several important United games. Next Saturday there will already be a derby against Manchester City, and the Frenchman should not yet be there against Chelsea and Arsenal.

Bitter: Varane made his comeback after a groin injury in the 3-0 win against Tottenham Hotspur last weekend.


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