Man throws cake in the face of Tagesschau spokesman Constantin Schreiber – Uni Jena condemns attack

scandal at reading
Man throws cake in the face of Tagesschau spokesman Constantin Schreiber – Uni Jena condemns attack

Critics accuse Constantin Schreiber of spreading resentment against Islam

© Uwe Zucchi / DPA

The “Tagesschau” spokesman Constantin Schreiber fell victim to a cake attack while reading his new book. The organizer, the University of Jena, condemned the attack.

The University of Jena has condemned an attack with a cake on “Tagesschau” spokesman Constantin Schreiber at a reading. The executive committee of the Friedrich Schiller University supports the open, social exchange on controversial topics and speak out against physical attacks, it said in a message published on Wednesday evening. This form of action is only used to generate attention, but no arguments are exchanged. When asked, Schreiber himself did not want to comment on the incident.

Incident happened on Tuesday evening

As the “Ostthüringer Zeitung” reported, it happened on Tuesday evening at the Reading in the lecture hall of the Friedrich Schiller University on the scandal. An unknown man rubbed a cake-like baked good into the face of the “Tagesschau” spokesman, the report said. Photos from the event showed the presenter and book author on stage with cake leftovers on his face and clothing.

Schreiber is on a reading tour through Germany with his new book “Glück im Unglück”. The author and television journalist, who lived in the Arab world for several years, had also received criticism for previous book publications, including ones on Islam.


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