Man shot dead by police after refusing to comply

A motorist was killed on Tuesday morning in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) by a police officer who used his weapon, after the man, suspected of refusing to comply, rushed towards the forces of the ‘order, learned 20 minutes from police sources, confirming information from AFP.

According to these same sources, the vehicle was embedded in a pole following the shootings of the police.

The victim died shortly after the use of the weapon, despite the intervention of the Samu. Two other people were in the vehicle: one of them was arrested, while the other fled and is still wanted by the police.

The victim known to the police for other refusals to comply

According to the first elements of the investigation reported by police sources, it was between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., near the Nanterre-Préfecture RER station that the vehicle, which had been rented, had committed several traffic violations.

At the sight of police motorcyclists, the driver first stopped, before accelerating in their direction. An official then fired at the driver’s chest, according to the same sources.

The victim was known to the police, in particular for driving without a license, use of narcotics or several refusals to comply, according to a police source.

13 deaths for refusal to comply in 2022

In 2022, 13 deaths were recorded after refusals to comply during roadside checks, a record. Five police officers have been indicted in these cases, the others having been released without prosecution at this stage.

Authorities and police unions attribute the death record in 2022 to more dangerous driving behavior, but researchers incriminate a 2017 law modifying the use of their weapon by the police.

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