Man sentenced to four months in prison for mistreating his dog

An American Staffordshire Terrier. Drawing. – Angel Sallade / Rex / Rex / Sipa

In April, the gendarmes intervened at a resident of Seysses, south of Toulouse. For several months, the latter had regularly hit his American staffordshire terrier with kicks but also with a baseball bat, acts of cruelty filmed by the owner’s companion.

Without the intervention of the police, this nine-year-old dog was condemned to certain death according to animal rights association, “The 4 pattounes”. Monday, during the trial of the owner of Hancock for “serious abuse or acts of cruelty to an animal”, his officials had filed a civil action.

The Toulouse criminal court sentenced him to four months in prison, a ban on keeping an animal for ten years and 1,000 euros in damages for the association. A victory and “a hope for the effective consideration of animal abuse” for the association.



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