Man sentenced to 8 years in prison for fatal punch over parking space

The Assize Court of the Alpes-Maritimes, in Nice, has just sentenced a man to eight years in prison for intentional violence resulting in death without intention to give it. In November 2014, when he came to read the electric meters, in a residence in Menton, he, according to his confession, gave a single punch to a 61-year-old man at the time, who died.

A new tragedy for this family who had already lost a 19-year-old son during an attack in Moselle, almost eight years earlier, to the day.


According to Nice morning, it was a parking space that was at the heart of the story, the deceased being able to be “obsessive” to keep it, according to the civil parties. The accused, who appeared free until the verdict, presented his condolences and his “most sincere” apologies to the family.

In his account, he explained that he punched the pensioner in the face, while he was “rushing at him, talking loudly, and sputtering at him”, and then immediately came to his aid and called the fire department.

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