Man run over by car after violent brawl outside nightclub

The fight broke out inside the nightclub before continuing in the parking lot of the establishment. A violent brawl between around fifteen individuals broke out during the night from Saturday to Sunday in the town of Chatte (Isère), we learned this Sunday from the Grenoble public prosecutor’s office. During the scuffle, a man was run over by a car. He was transported to hospital but “his vital prognosis is not in jeopardy”, said the prosecution.

Last weekend, two brawls had already broken out during an evening organized by young farmers in the neighboring town of Murinais. “Given the geographical proximity to Saint-Marcellin and Murinais, a dedicated gendarmerie system had been put in place following the events of last week,” underlined the Isère prefecture.

An investigation is underway to try to identify the individuals involved in the brawl and determine if the events of last night have a link with those of last weekend.

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